Burger Tyme whole-cow ground meet

Whole-Cow Ground Meat

At Burger Tyme, we listen to our customers, as we are here to serve you. Burger Tyme is Acadiana’s restaurant, and we aim to be the best. The community spoke, we made some changes, and we think you will like them as much as we do. In order to replicate the original Cajun Blaze, we opened with many of the original employees and utilized the exact same meat, seasoning, and ingredients as the original Burger Tyme. Though we have many fans, we saw an opportunity to improve our product and went to work to design the best burger in Acadiana.

Coastal Plains Meat Company

We partnered up with Coastal Plains Meat Company, a locally owned meat company that is owned and operated by industry-leading, military combat veterans. Early in our discussions, we asked if they could provide a patty that is made out of an entire cow. Not just the lean ground chuck that we originally served, but a patty that also includes all the premium cuts like sirloin, brisket, etc. As a company that can provide a pasture to plate product, Coastal Plains Meat Company was able to provide such a patty, made to our exact specifications, and we are now excited to share it with you.

Burger Tyme’s whole-cow ground beef contains all the best cuts, ground into a robust blend of juicy, deeply flavored meat that melts in your mouth. Our cows come exclusively from Louisiana ranchers and are solely processed in Louisiana. The perfect burger is then prepared with the Cajun Blaze Seasoning, caramelized onions, butter toasted buns, fresh produce, and premium condiments.

Burger Tyme’s burgers are sourced and made by locals, for locals.

Come out to our 3300 Johnston Street location today and experience the best Cajun Blaze ever made!

Cajun Blaze Combo

Cajun Blaze with juices pouring out

Burger Tyme’s Whole-Cow Ground Meat

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